
Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012

NEW PRODUCT !! Urine-Off Odor & Pet Dog Cat Pee Stain Odor Remover

Urine Off® uses 2 environmentally friendly combination of bio-enzymatic technologies to permanently destroy urine odor and stain, leaving a clean and hygienic surface.

How Urine Off® Works

Revolutionary enzyme and microbes combination breaks down and digest away highly insoluble uric acid crystals while pheromone blockers control pets habitual trigger mechanisms for “marking” territories.

Compared with other brands

Urine Off® Brand X
(Masking with fragrances)
Brand Y
(Chemical repellant)
Brand Z
(Enzyme only or Microb only)
Vet recommended in US
Breakdown & Digest all major components of urine; uric acid, urea & urochrome c
Contains pheromone blockers eiminating “marking” by your pets
Remove old urine stains
Safe on human and pets
Safe on all surfaces, including sofa, carpet, wood floors, tile, grout, upholstery ?
Carpet & Rug Institute “ Seal of Approval”
NO alchohol, peroxide, chlorox, or dangerous bleaching agents! ?

General Instructions

  • Shake well before using
  • Absorb fresh urine with paper towel.
  • Application: It is essential to saturate the soiled area just past the edge of the stain.
  • Allow Urine Off to work: Fresh deposits - few minutes. Old stains – cover area with plastic and allow it to remain overnight. Remove plastic and air dry. Reapply Urine off if necessary. Old stains/deposits may require multiple treatments.
  • Remove residues with water.
  • Different surfaces may require different techniques (please checkout http://www.urineoff.com/Instructions.php for more detail cleaning instructions).

General Rules

  • Soak it, and allow to air-dry
  • Repeat as necessary
  • The more absorbent the material, the more Urine Off will be required.
  • NEVER spray on pets or people. Urine Off is mild and safe to use around pets and people but is not designed for topical use!
  • ALWAYS check fabrics for colorfastness in an inconspicuous area. Again, Urine Off is mild and safe to use on water-safe surfaces, but play it safe and test first!
  • Do NOT use directly on pet litter - this is ineffective. If the litter has a urine odor, change it. Urine Off is great for the litter pan itself, however (details below).
  • NEVER use other cleaners or chemicals of any kind at the same time as Urine Off - this will reduce its effectiveness. Use Urine Off first! If other chemicals have already been applied, be sure to rinse repeatedly to remove all traces and allow to dry completely before using Urine Off!

Jumaat, 12 Oktober 2012

Lets shop GENESIS Products



GENESIS ALFALFA (1 kg) - RM 26.50
GENESIS TIMOTHY (1 kg) - RM 28.50


Sugar Glider Tips

Glider Tips from Toby

Bringing any new pet into your home is an important decision which requires thought and planning. For your sake - and the sake of your new pet - please seriously consider these realities of living with a sugar glider before deciding to share your home with one:
  • Sugar gliders are extremely social animals
    Sugar gliders live in large colonies in the wild and need the companionship of their own kind. If deprived this companionship, a sugar glider may become depressed, withdrawn and unhealthy - possibly even dying from loneliness.Sugar gliders also require a lot of attention from their humans. Be sure you have the time and desire to provide the daily attention they deserve and need.
  • Sugar gliders aren't "lap pets"
    Sugar gliders bond strongly with their human, but are not lap pets. When out of their cage, very few adults gliders will want to sit and be petted - at least not for very long. They would much rather spend this time exploring and playing.If you want a pet which will sit with you for extended periods, letting you caress and snuggle him, a sugar glider wouldn't be a good choice.
  • Sugar gliders won't respond to discipline
    Sugar gliders are extremely independent thinking animals. Trying to force a sugar glider to act the way you want will not be successful. They will never become litter-trained. They will mark when out of their cage. They will not learn the word "no." They will nip if you try to force them to do something they don't want.Never discipline your pet for any reason. It won't have the desired result. You will only make your glider pal distrust - and eventually fear - you.
  • Sugar gliders require a safe space when loose
    When out, sugar gliders will explore any opening or secret place they find. Make sure windows, doors, drawers and closets are securely shut. Remove anything which might get knocked over, especially if it will break. There should be no house plants - gliders might eat them. They are also likely to mark or go potty while out. Some gliders will chew on furniture, carpets, electrical cords and almost anything else.They may sound like destruction machines. And, they can be just that! However, it is extremely important to the well-being of your pets that they get daily out-of-cage play time. We recommend choosing one room which can be completely "glider-proofed" and using this as their play space.
  • Sugar gliders should not be taken outside
    No matter how tame your sugar gliders may be - even if they respond when you call - they should never be taken outside unless securely confined.Extremely curious animals, they will go off exploring and are likely to become confused, disoriented or frightened. This will result in your pet hiding or going even farther. It is unlikely you would ever find your pet and it is unlikely he will survive outside on his own. We can think of no sadder fate than a friendly, happy pet getting loose and dying from starvation, exposure or cat attack.
  • Sugar gliders are not hamsters
    If you are looking for a pet which will happily live life in a cage, with only minimal care and interaction, sugar gliders aren't the right choice for you.Sugar gliders will not be happy or healthy if kept confined to a cage and denied the attention they deserve. This is true no matter how big the cage may be. If you do not have the time or desire to provide the attention sugar gliders require, don't get them as pets. It would be unfair to the animal and you.

Tips : Perkara Asas Penjagaan Kucing

Jika anda baru pertama kali memelihara kucing, atau baru membuat keputusan mengenainya, maka kiriman ini adalah sesuai bagi anda kerana saya akan cuba memberi ringkasan tentang keseluruhan bagaimana nak memelihara kucing dan menjaganya. Jika anda mahu mengetahui lebih lanjut, luangkan lah masa untuk melayari blog ini kerana telah banyak artikel ditulis di sini.

Apabila anda telah membawa kucing pulang bersama anda di rumah, adalah penting untuk kita memastikan keperluan asasnya dijaga. Dalam hidupan liar, kucing menyesuaikan diri terhadap persekitaran dengan cara memburu untuk mendapatkan makanan, mendapatkan keselamatan dengan memanjat pokok serta melindungi diri. Apabila berada di rumah, kucing memerlukan bantuan kita untuk hidup harmoni dalam persekitaran ini.

Jika anda telah menyediakan asas makanan, minuman yang baik dan tempat berlindung, maka anda telah melakukan permulaan yang baik. memantau bagaimana kucing menggunakan kemudahan ini akan memberi gambaran berkenaan keadaan kesihatan kucing itu. Kucing merupakan haiwan yang mempunyai rutin, maka sebarang perubahan terhadap tabiat mereka perlulah di periksa agar tiada masalah kesihatan.

Privasi atau waktu bersendirian adalah amat penting bagi kucing. Walaupun kucing itu sangat sosial dan peramah dengan manusia, mereka masih memerlukan waktu bersendirian. Biasanya privasi ini diperlukan ketika mereka menghias diri dan membuang najis. Sesetengah kucing mahukan privasi ketika makan, tetapi ada juga yang lebih berselera makan jika ditemani tuannya.

Kucing yang suka mengasingkan diri, atau takut berada dikalangan manusia, perlulah diberi ruang untuk bersendirian dalam sehari. Memang benar kita boleh melatihnya untuk menjadi lebih sosial tetapi kebanyakan kucing sebenarnya sangat berwaspada dan berhati-hati secara semulajadi, dan tidak ada latihan yang boleh membuang tabiat itu sepenuhnya.

Ada pemilik pernah memberitahu saya yang mereka fikir kucing mereka mungkin pernah di dera sebelum dipelihara oleh mereka. Tapi dalam banyak keadaan, sebenarnya kucing sememangnya telah dilahirkan dengan sikap yang sebegitu. Kucing yang kelihatan takut, terlalu berhati-hati, lama kelamaan akan belajar untuk mempercayai anda dan jangan terkejut jika kucing itu akan menjadi teman yang sangat akrab, walaupun mereka mungkin tidak akan bermanja dengan orang lain sepertimana anda.

Kucing yang diperkenalkan kepada kucing baru yang lain, atau anjing, atau kanak-kanak di dalam rumah, perlu diberi masa untuk bersendirian. Adalah tidak adil jika anda mahukan kucing itu rasa gembira dan menerima kehadiran orang baru dalam rumah dalam masa singkat. Ini bukanlah naluri kcuing kerana kucing benci kepada perubahan. Mereka lebih gemar sesuatu perkara itu kekal asal sepertimana mereka yang mengubahnya (dan bukan orang lain, termasuk anda!). Kucing memerlukan seminggu hingga sebulan untuk menerima perubahan persekitaran, atau sekurang-kurangnya untuk dia tidak berasa begitu takut.

Apabila kucing itu baru dibawa ke rumah yang mempunyai kanak-kanak, semua orang berasa begitu teruja dan mahu menyentuh dan membelainya. Menjadi tumpuan perhatian bukanlah sesuatu yang digemari oleh kucing. Ibubapa perlu mengawal pengendalian kucing itu dan pastikan ia diberi peluang untuk berehat dan bersendirian.

Memasuki rumah baru memberi tekanan kepada kucing, dan tidak mendapat ruang untuk rehat dan menyendiri akan menambahkan lagi beban tekanan itu. Kucing yang tertekan akan mendapat impak negatif terhadap sistem imunisasinya, seperti pernah saya jelaskan artikel dahulu, binatang tidak seperti manusia yang dapat meredakan tekanan dengan cara bermain gitar, bercuti dan sebagainya.

Maka adalah penting untuknya diberi rehat, sediakan ruang untuknya bersembunyi dan tetapkan peraturan di rumah bahawa setiap kali kucing itu berada dalam tempat persembunyian, maka tiada siapa dibenarkan menyentuhnya. Jika anda tidak dapat memberi ruang itu kepadanya, anda perlu menyediakan carrier dan biarkan kucing itu berada di situ beberapa lama. Carrier seperti itu boleh memberinya rasa selamat dan bersendirian.

DIPETIK DARI ~ http://scaniaz.blogspot.com

Selasa, 9 Oktober 2012

UniFi PERCUMA selama 1 bulan!? Dapatkan sekarang!

Mainecoon For Sale !!

Mainecoon Line US with CFA.
Age : 3 years old.
Proven Male(not neuter)
Price : RM 6.8k(Nego)
Call for more information :